Dedicated to empowering and supporting women and children changing livesÂ
About Us
Yayasan Dunia Viva Wanita (YDVW) is founded by the late Ms Bridget Tan in 2011. Dedicated to empowering and supporting women and children, provide services to help woman migrant workers returnees, victim of human trafficking, victim of labor exploitation and also giving a support for woman and children in several migrant communities in Batam through education and training program.
- Provide post–departure human rights based education for women migrant workers.
- Provide shelter for migrant workers returnees, advocacy services for women and children who could be potential victims and victims of human trafficking and labor exploitation.
- Provide reintegration programs for women migrant workers returnees and local migrant communities through scholarship, sewing & computer training with the hope to develop livelihood projects for their families.
- Provide an early childhood development programs
- Provide HIV/AIDS prevention program, Anti Human Trafficking program and Anti Violance Against Women and Children Program
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Support us in educating, empowering and creating opportunities for children and women who will help shape the future of our world.
Yayasan Dunia Viva Wanita
Town House Tiban Point Blok B1 No 1-2, Kel. Tiban Indah, Kec. Sekupang, Batam, Riau Island
Yayasan Dunia Viva Wanita is Indonesian foundation registered on 19 January 2011 number 7 under Minister of Law and Human Right of Republic Indonesia ( Keputusan Menteri Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republic Indonesia) with Indonesian registered Nomor :
Operating hours : 9 am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
Weekend & public holiday office is closed
Email :
Helpline :
+62813-7447-5745 | +62821-7056-6244